One day, you
finally knew what you had
to do and
– Mary Oliver
Thank you for visiting Shamanic Universe.
You are on a Journey, perhaps seeking healing and answers to urgent life questions.
You may be searching for spiritual connections and deeper knowledge.
You may be at a crossroads in your life or facing a dark night of the soul.
Perhaps you want to discover your true life purpose and fill up with vitality.
Are you ready to transform your long-delayed Dreams into how you really want to live your life?
Your heartfelt longing
to ignite your Purpose
and to be
in the abiding presence
of your helping spirits,
opens the door.
It does not matter that you may have tried a hundred times before.
Your point of power is now, in this moment…
As a shamanic teacher, spiritual healer, and vision quest guide,
I would be honored to assist you on your Journey.

Beth Beurkens, M.A.